Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not feeling like myself lately

So the SF and Santa Rosea trip went well. Grace and I had a great time at both places. Got to see my dad and his gf. Had two nice meals with them.

So for a while now I have been feeling diferent. Idk how but I have been off. As if I'm high or something. Idk. I think it's the fact that I'm home every day now and don't know how to deal with it yet. It's takeing longer than I thought. Always doing something or planing and always on the move. I need a night to just relax and go to bed early. I haven't gotten alot of sleep lately and that maybe the cause of my funky mood. I try to put on a happy face and aditude but I'm cranky and just being an ass lately. And I don't like it. It's as if Im haveing pms. Lol.

It sucks for my daughter. Because her mother is getting tierd of haveing her around all the time cus her new baby has problems and is stressing her out. I can understand being stressed out but don't take it out on my kid. My daughter is rebelling or just trying to get some atention. Unforchanetly it all bad attention. She does bad things and gets noticed. It's hard to let her get away with things but I don't want to baby her and I don't want to just punish her. I'm trying to ride a fine line. Not working out to well. I'm stressed out about all the things going on all at once. I'm thankful that grace has been so helpful and understanding.

So grace told me that if lee says it's a good place to work for she's gone and moveing to OR. She doesn't know if she wants me to go with her or not. She says she doesn't want to uproot me and not have things work out and make it harder to see my kid. That's the way things stand now. It may not happen for 6 or 12 months or even longer for lee to tell if it's a good place to work for. I said I would go if I can get 20+ an hour at the same place. I dout I can get that much but that's what it would take unless grace says she needs me in her life and she can't live with out me. If she said those words I would move up with her and find a way to see my kid. Back to work

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