Thursday, September 16, 2010


So i have been at my new job for almost 90 days now. the hours are slim. im short on cash. also im makeing alot of little mistakes. and i know the boss isnt too happy about that fact. i just hope he gives me alittle more time to prove myself. its been a long and hard month and its not over yet either. my ex is comeing after me because i havent made a trip out there yet. well i dont have the money to get out there yet. i just got a new car so i CAN make it out there and back again. i only have a few things left that are worth anything. i have sold off everything else. Gina has been great for a long time but seems like theres something there that she wants to say to me but cant find the right time. its as if she wants to call things off and be done with me then shes fine again a few days later. i havent said anything cus i have been asking and getting in her business way too much lately. its different to have been together for about six months and not liveing with her. i get bored and on me nights i call her and chat for a min or on facebook chat with her then call her. i have to let off a bit or it will be the end. i have so much going on i wasnt able to put all that i want down. my mind is running al over the place.